Our Team

Bob Morse

Lead Designer and President

Bob Morse is the founder of Da Vinci Usability and has over twenty years of experience as usability expert in a variety of industries. He has extensive experience working on both software and hardware interfaces. He has designed and evaluated visual user interfaces for client-server applications, browser-based applications, web sites and mobile applications. He has also designed and evaluated voice user interfaces for mobile phones and network speech systems.

Mr. Morse has experience providing a full range of user experience services, including:

  • Leading UI design teams

  • User experience, user interface and visual design

  • Conducting user research and gathering user requirements

  • Performing expert user interface reviews of existing user interfaces

  • Creating high-level and detailed user interface designs

  • Writing user interface specifications and style guides

  • Designing and conducting usability tests

Chris Morse

Associate Designer

Chris Morse brings background in psychology and tech to his work in UX design. He has experience in both visual and conversational UX design. His work has ranged included designing natural language voice assistants, doing visual and UX design for web and print, and participating in user research studies.