
The Project

Lionbridge onDemand provides quick turnaround translation services for a wide variety of corporate clients. From customer feedback, they knew that their existing web application was difficult to use.  There were too many steps in the process, and the service options were confusing to customers. They brought me in to redesign the application.  The goals were to simplify the product offerings and to redesign the flow for purchasing translation services to make it more efficient and easier for customers to understand.

The Process

  • Create user personas

  • Write user scenarios

  • Design information architecture

  • Conduct iterative UI design

  • Create UI mockups and prototypes

  • Create visual design

  • Write UI/UX specification

The Work

Our first step was to work with the Lionbridge project team and sales team to understand the users of the onDemand web application.  The teams understood their users well, and provided us user data which we used to generate a set of user personas.

Next, we worked with subject matter experts to understand the common tasks performed by users, and documented these tasks in a set of user scenarios.

With the user scenarios complete, we had all the information needed to begin design.  The first step in the design was to create an information architecture diagram to lay out how the application content would be organized.

The next step was to begin designing each page in the application.  We designed iteratively, starting with wireframes and progressing into increasingly detailed design.  After each iteration the design was reviewed with the project team, subject matter experts and customers.  Each screen evolved in both design and functionality as feedback was incorporated. The screen shots below show the a couple steps in the evolution of one of the key pages in the application. The final mockup was fully interactive so that key application functionality could be demonstrated.

We continued to iteratively redesign the mockup until we had a complete design that we felt significanlty improved the overall site navigation and the purchase flow.  Once the UI design was done, we crafted a visual design that was in line with the Lionbridge corporate style guide.

Once the visual design was complete, the final step was to create a visual design specification to document the design in detail.  The specification and the UI mockup provided sufficient detail for the development team to rewrite the application.